Questions to Ask When Deciding on a Hospital
As a first time mom I had no idea what I was looking for in a hospital. I just knew I wanted somewhere accommodating that would not push me one way or another and had private rooms. Private rooms are pretty common, I have yet to come across a maternity section with shared rooms. Hospitals all do things differently, some things are more important than others. If you are particular about how you want your experience to go, it is a good idea to ask a lot of questions. Here are a few to consider:
1. How long from birth do you discharge?
- This is usually pretty standard across the board. It is also a good idea to check with your insurance about coverage. Sometimes your insurance will only cover a certain length of time unless there are special circumstances. It's always best to keep on top of your insurance concerns.
2. Does this hospital have a nursery? Do you take the baby at night or do they room with mom?
- I admitted on Wednesday night and had baby #1 at 1:52am on Friday morning. By this time I was absolutely exhausted. This hospital did have a nursery and they took him for about an hour after I was moved to a recovery room. After that my baby stayed with me most of the visit. This was more due to a very opinionated nurse rather than personal choice. I was so exhausted I could barely see straight. It would have been nice to have some rest to prepare me for everything to come. This is entirely your decision though, to each his own. Just make sure to speak up if you want things a certain way.
3. What products are used/given?
4. What are your visiting hours and are there any restrictions? Are these strictly followed?
- The hospital we chose had visiting hours and a limit to the number of visitors but they were not strict about compliance. The nurses did mention that if we let them know ahead of time, they were willing to kick people if we desired.
5. How many people are allowed in the delivery room?
- I was very certain that I only wanted my husband to be present for the birth. It was a moment I wanted to share with just him. When it came time to push I couldn't care less who was there ogling my lady parts. Make sure to let someone, or everyone, know your plan ahead of time.
6. Can my husband sleep here?
- Most hospitals have a place for daddy to sleep but I have heard of a few smaller hospitals that do not have the capability/accommodations.
7. Are the rooms private?
- This would have been a deal breaker for me. Most hospitals have private maternity ward rooms.
8. If you are interested in circumcision; is this done before leaving the hospital?
9. How often are c sections done? What might occur that would result in a c section?
- Some doctors/hospitals only allow you to push for so long before they intervene with a c section. Keep in mind that a birth plan is only a plan and may need to be changed for the health and safety of you and baby.
10. Does this hospital do photo sessions?
- It cost about $170 for this and it really seemed like a lot of money at the time. I am so glad I decided on it anyway. They weren't high professional quality but they turned out lovely and are more sentimental than anything.
11. Are there any restrictions on photos or videos in labor and delivery?
- The hospital we chose did not allow video during the delivery. Which was fiiiine by me!
12. Do you offer breastfeeding support?
- If you are a first time mom, you are going to want a little help here. For me, the more help the better! I hated pulling out the boob and flashing the nurse but after getting over the embarrassment, it was very helpful.
13. If I believe I am in labor, what is the protocol?
- It is also a good idea to mention how far from the hospital you are. Baby #1 we lived about 20 minutes away. We are expecting baby #2 in July and it will be about 45 minutes, more if it's during rush hours. I'm super nervous about that drive.
14. At what point and how often are you fetal monitoring?
15. What is your procedure on after birth baby care? Is everything done in the room or will he/she need to be taken outside the room?
- This really has a lot to do with you birth plan/preferences. Do you want the baby washed first or skin-to-skin right away? How soon do you want the baby to be given a bath? Do you want delayed cord clamping? Do you want someone special to cut the cord? Make sure to let the nurses know all this ahead of time.
- My hospital was great about all of this. My only disappointment was I had such bad tearing that the stitches took over an hour and I didn't get to see my hubby bath our son. I felt like once the baby's cord was cut, daddy got more time with him than I did. That's not such a bad problem to have.
16. Do you have a NICU? What level?
- This information may be important if you know complications are likely.
17. What are your security measures?
18. Do you have a stork dinner?
- Love this. Our hospital had a special dinner for us the evening following the birth. Some hospitals do it, some don't. It's just kind of fun to have a celebratory dinner.
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